Rahul Lohani has also proved his mettle in acting in the most popular Balaji show and the longest running family drama 'Kyunki Saans Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'. In this soap he plays the character of Mayank who has not grown for his age and still is very much into childish acts. But later on his character is degraded to an extreme extent as he rapes Krishna Tulsi, the adopted daughter of Tulsi Virani. His mother Damini Virani (played by Riva Bubber) tries to save him initially but later on he is taken to jail and his role end over there. He has also acted in a regional film named 'Kasturi'. In real life he is quite a nice and decent guy. He is very simple and down-to-earth person. being himself an honest guy, he hates all the artificial people. He does not like the artificiality and pretensions in life. About his dream girl he claims that he prefers a girl who are really good at heart and has always been attracted towards girls who have very clear hearts. According to him his friends are all very special to him and he holds a special place for all of them in his heart, as they had all been great supporter while he was shaping up his career. He has maintained this principle that he would not change a bit after his success. He has remained the same throughout. Well that is Rahul Lohani aka Bhola for you, an indeed 'bhola' person who makes it evident why he has such a huge fan following, his fans sincerely wishes him good luck for all his future endeavors and expects that he will always live upto their expectations in the approaching times. |