Early Life of Adam Sinclair Adam Antony Sinclair, born on February 29 in the year1984, is originally from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He completed his education from Stanes Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore. Sinclair was the most estimable in Field Hockey in his school. He was also the captain of his own school team, where he led the school to win many tournaments under his captaincy. For the year of 2001, he was chosen as the School Pupil Leader. He also captained 'Panthers', his sports house. In 2001, he led them to success in the Intra-School Sports Event. He continued his studies further in PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. Career of Adam Sinclair Adam Antony Sinclair joined the Indian national hockey team, for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, where he displayed his sporting skills. Many awards and medals were won by Sinclair, as an athlete in long distance running and the triple jump events. He is also one of the most efficient players of the Chennai Veerans. After Dhanraj Pillay was replaced by Sinclair in the Athens Olympics, he was accused of bribing the officials to finalise a place in the national hockey team. In the last match, Adam Sinclair was able to score a goal in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. This article is a stub. You may enrich it by adding more information to it. You can send your write-up at content@indianetzone.com |