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Soureni - West Bengal
Soureni is a Darjeeling District of West Bengal and this village has the tourist’s attraction, which are the tea estates.
Recently Updated Articles in Indian Villages
 Kolad - Maharashtra
Kolad is a village in Maharashtra. This village is one of the weekend destinations in Raigad District of Maharashtra.
 Challagariga - Telangana
Challagariga is a village in Warangal District of Telangana, a newly formed state in South India.
Kalakkad is the name of a panchayat town, which is located in Tirunelveli district of the state of Tamil Nadu.
 Indian Village Art
Indian Village Art has been passed down from generation to generation, and is still practiced in different parts of the country.
 History of Indian Villages
India is a vast country with a majority of its total population living in the villages. It peeps into the History of Indian Villages that lead to a treasure house of ancient tradition and culture.
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Soureni - West Bengal
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