Naturopathy is a complete and coordinated approach to health care, integrating modern advances in science with natural and traditional forms of medicine. It is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using natural therapies which includes nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine and lifestyle counseling. Naturopathic therapies are also very effective in helping reduce drug side effects. Its holistic approach incorporates the physiological, psychosocial, spiritual and lifestyle factors affecting health, emphasizing disease as a process rather than disease as an entity.
Nutrition for Psychological Disorders
Food and nutrition are intimately tied to mood and mental function. A deficiency or excess of a single nutrient can alter neurotransmitters in the brain leading to depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. Studies show that a lack of certain nutrients may contribute to the development of mental disorders.
The foods have a direct impact on the chemistry of the human bodies and brains and, therefore, on mood, thoughts and behaviour. The brains require the correct balance of amino acids, fats, vitamins, minerals and glucose in order to function properly. Paying attention to the foods one eat as well as enhancing the intake of particular nutrients through either food or supplements can be extremely helpful in the management of mental health concerns. Optimizing the intestinal tract to promote a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria can play a significant role in balancing the mood and mental health.
There are many herbs that have been effective at treating a variety of mental health issues including depression, apathy, anxiety, mania, sleep disturbances, eating disorders and more. Lifestyle counseling is another important part of Naturopathy that can provide supportive guidance for stress management, diet and lifestyle, exercise programs etc.
Regular Care for Psychological Disorders
Yoga and Pranayama plays an important role in ones life to become healthy. Pranayamas are helpful to remove bad toxin from the body and give positive energy. Pranayama and Yoga brings stability, calms the mind, improve blood circulation and cure depression, stress and anxiety. Some yoga asanas like Halasana, Sarvangasana and Shavasana are very important to cure depression, stress and anxiety.
Meditation is now commonly used to treat mental health disorders, addiction, and everyday stress, as well as to heal physical ailments and promote better sleep. Meditation techniques such as quietening the mind, understanding self and exercising control, acts as an alternative tool to regulate emotions, mood and stress.