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Myrrh Oil
Myrrh Oil is widely used as remedies for the different human ailment in different parts of the world. In Aromatherapy, Myrrh Oil is known to offer relief for colds, congestion, coughs, bronchitis and phlegm.

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Myrrh OilMyrrh is one of the oldest of essential oils. The oil is made from the gum resin of a bush that grows in Arabia and Africa. The oil creates confidence and awareness. Because it moves fluids, it is excellent for weight loss. Used originally to preserve the bodies of the pharaohs, it continues to be a preservative and restorer of youth and is used extensively in cosmetics for mature skin and the prevention of wrinkles. Myrrh shows very strong antiseptic and antifungal qualities. It`s centering properties make it an excellent inhalation for compulsive eaters, in part because it connects them with real issues and does not allow them to hide behind their food.

Myrrh acts as alterative, analgesic, rejuvenative, astringent, expectorant, antispasmodic and antiseptic. The energy provided by it is heating. This oil mixes well with the following oils: Frankincense, Orange, Tangerine, Juniper, Cypress, Geranium Musk, Pine, Patchouli and Heavy Flower Oils. Myrrh has heating effect, so it should be followed with caution. Myrrh oil is non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but could be toxic in high dosage and should not be used in pregnancy, as it can act as a uterine stimulant.

Uses of Myrrh Oil

•Has anti-inflammatory action.
•Good for bronchitis, influenza, laryngitis, chronic catarrh and coughs.
•Stimulates the digestive tract and is good for poor digestion and flatulence.
•Has antiseptic action on the urinary tract.
•Improves menstrual flow.
•Helps heal wounds.
•Excellent in skin care.

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