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Lowering Blood pressure with Magnetic Therapy
The regular application of magnets can help in controlling the Blood Pressure.

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Lowering Blood pressure with Magnetic TherapyStudies in bio-magnetism reveal that a maximum drop in blood cholesterol from 222 milligrams to 141 milligrams occurred as a result of magnetic application. When the magnet was applied for a few weeks in another set of clinical trials, a positive effect on reduction of the blood pressure to the extent of 20 to 30 millimetres of mercury was observed. Many marvellous effects of magnetic treatment on the instant lowering of high blood pressure has been obtained by applying a strong south pole magnet to the right hand of the patient. The regular application of magnets can help in controlling the most common, but dreadful imbalance, which when aggravated can even cause blindness or brain haemorrhage.

Improved blood circulation also leads to faster and more effective replacement of decayed tissues and faster healing of wounds. This ensures a greater number of sound and healthy blood corpuscles in the blood stream. Clinical studies in various medical institutions have proved that the application promotes health and imparts a better sense of well being by providing warmth and energy. Thus, patients undergoing magnetic treatment regularly report more stamina for work, less fatigue and a state of joy and zeal. The regulation of the flow of blood in the blood vessels ensures proper nutrition and oxygenation of different tissues in the body. This in turn leads to harmonization and improved functioning of different tissues. The health-promoting faculties of magnets endow an organism with better resistance to disease and equip it for a better and effective living.

An obvious effect of magnets on reduction of infection is evident from the results of studies aimed at certain characteristics of blood like white blood corpuscles and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). It was observed after application of magnets that there was a marked drop in the above characteristics. This suggests that some infectious diseases like typhoid and measles can be brought in the domain of the therapeutic range of magnets.

Medical scientists have also tried magnetic applications in various infections where the antibiotics have lost their efficacy either due to the gross-mismanagement of the case by the physician or development of slow resistance by the micro organisms to the `wonder drugs`. Astonishing results have been obtained throughout the world by using the north pole of the magnet, which checks the infection and subsequent complications arising out of lack of aseptic conditions in hospital wards and operation theatres.

The pathologists have been vouching for the amazing influence of magnets on various types of wounds such as incised, punctured, crushed and infected heals rapidly by reduction in the formation of the fibrous tissue. The process of production of sound cells and rejuvenation is hastened, leading to quick recovery in painful conditions like corn`s chilblains and chaps. Under the influence of magnets, the fractured bones are known to join up speedily by hastened calcification.

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