The Vishnu Purana records that Kshana is a measure of time. It is equal to thirty kalas and is often used to express a very minute portion of time, a moment, an instant.
The Truti or particle is the smallest unit of duration. In modern terms it ranges anywhere between one ten thousand millionth of a second to one Kshan or moment. The Kshan approximately ranges from 2/45th of a second to about 4 seconds. The Nimesha/Mimisha or twinkling of an eye, which is the time taken for upward and downward movement of eyelid is equal to four kshanas. The lava (fraction) is the duration of a completed blink, that is the time taken to shut completely and open the eyes is equal to eight kshanas. The taal or hand clap ranges from one quarter to three quarter of a second. It is an extremely elastic phenomenon depending on the intensity of clap.
Thus according to calculation, three Lav is equal to one Nimesha. Then three Nimesha is equal to a Kshana, or Pal, or second. Further five Kshana is equal to one Kaashthaa.
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