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Homeopathy for Loss of Appetite
Homeopathic remedies, in the case of the appetite disorder, have shown a lot of success. They must be used carefully as the same doses of these remedies based on herbs might cause some dangerous contradictions in healthy individuals.

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Homeopathy for Loss of AppetiteLoss of Appetite is the decreased sensation of appetite. Some times it may be harmless and some pose a major risk. The appetite doesn`t exist because of the possible worms in the gastrointestinal system.

Treatment for Loss of Appetite
There are various treatments in homeopathy that are useful in various symptoms, provided the symptoms should match with it.

Ignatia 30: Anorexia from grief following an unpleasant incident, anorexia from excessive consumption of stimulants like tea and coffee. Long involuntary sighing, obstinate constipation and intolerance of tobacco are other features pointing to this remedy. All of these are very common symptoms for the medicine Ignatia 30.

Lycopodium 30: Anorexia from constipation and the resultant flatulence or gas. The victim belches almost constantly. A desire for sweets and warm drinks or foods is another indication of this medicine. For all of these symptoms the victim should take the medicine lycopodium.

Nux vomica 30: Anorexia from leading an irregular or sedentary life and excessive intake of stimulants requires Nux vomica. An oversensitive nature, frequent ineffectual desire to pass stools and a tendency to catch colds are other features suggesting this medicine.

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