The Intuitional body plays an elementary part in supporting the development of the chakra. It supports in understanding even the unspoken words. A number of exercises have therefore been designed in developing the chakra whilst stimulating this compassionate body.
1. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Physical Level- The liver, heated on the right side of the body, with some under the rib cage and some extending below
This chakra associates with acting on what one believes is spiritually right for them. The area must be massaged gently. If any soreness persists, it is better not to massage, but just to let the energy release. Later, one must ask to know a time when one use to act on what one spiritually understood was right for them. It must be asked about the feel of those experiences. Then, one can ask to remember some times when one had felt "lily-hearted" and one did not pursue through.
2. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Emotional Level- Midpoint on the outside edges of the thighs and upper arms
These chakras associate with involving with other people. One needs to relax one`s upper arms and massage the chakras. The thighs also need to be relaxed and chakras must be massaged there. One can envision the various people with whom they have relationships. By thinking of each one, one can question about whether the chakras want to open or close. As everybody is called upon in the New Age to be deeper and nearer friends with many people, it is essential to be able to relax these chakras. One needs to practice when one is amongst people, in whose company one consistently firms these chakras.
3. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Mental Level- The bottom of the breastbone just above the xiphoid process
This chakra has much to do with whether one flows with life, discards life or turns exceedingly bonded. Energy in this chakra that becomes distorted may create a very sarcastic or shrewd tongue and commonly makes one extremely hard to get along with; there may be humour, but it is often so sharp that others feel to rip up. The chakra needs to be massaged; it should be allowed to flow. It is advised to question where one is too attached and where one is too resisting. Lastly, one can ask where one is doing well.
4. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Intuitional/Compassionate Level- Between the breasts, halfway between the horseshoe and the chakras
When this chakra is too open, one may find that one is exceedingly compassionate and is inclined to drain oneself. It is also achievable to close this chakra and become hard-hearted. However, one thing must be kept in mind that this is the same chakra as the divine level of the emotional body; it is extraordinarily crucial. Through it, one can feel unconditional love and sympathy; a human being`s intuitions function at an elevated level, elevating one`s life to a much more spiritual level. The chakra needs to massaged gently. One must next ponder about it feeling taut or too open. The energy must be allowed to flow and the chakra needs to be asked in what situations one is overly compassionate and in what situations is one exaggeratedly hard-hearted.
5. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Will/Spirit Level- On either side of the nose
These are the power chakras. It is at times called "Native American chakras", because they concern amalgamating the power of heaven and the power of earth, to bring bravery and understanding in everyday life. The area needs to be massaged. One can desire to ask if one possessed a strong Native American past life, during which, these chakras were very open and healthily used. Then, one can also ask in what situations in this life one needs to be more open in these chakras, and when to block them.
6. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Soul Level- Pupils
It is through these chakras that one can most honestly glimpse into another`s soul and others can too. If one is alone, one may desire to look into the mirror, see how deeply one can look into oneself. If one is amongst others, one can glimpse profoundly into their eyes and let them look intently into theirs. One can decide if he/she is abashed or uncomfortable, as though one was being brutally uncovered. Many people face trouble in sincerely being open from this navel. To make things easier, one may desire to do this exercise looking softly. Keeping energy in one`s back may give one potency to delve in more deeply.
7. Intuitional/Compassionate Body-Divine Level- Medulla oblongata, the lower back of the head at the base of the skull
Opening this chakra, energises divine understanding and elevates consciousness to being one with God. The harmful side of this chakra is that, one could get caught almost absolutely in a wakefulness of commonplace life. The chakra needs to be massaged gently. It must questioned, exactly where in life does one most feel a divine plan and sincerely feel oneness with God. One may feel a peaceful bliss consciousness. Then, one can ask the chakra where does one obstruct destiny; this will at times extract an "oh-oh" reaction.