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Application of Magnets
The magnet has various applications but the most important is the use in the treatment of various human ailments.

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Application of MagnetsThe magnet has various applications and it works as a medicine and restores the body to its natural state in due course. Its main application is in the healing of various diseases.

The treatment with the use of magnets effects on body mainly through blood circulatory system. It also effects other systems of the body namely, digestive, nervous, respiratory and urinary. The magnets are also applied in geriatrics, gyneatrics and pediatrics. The application of magnets in treating the different parts of the body for the treatment of different ailments varies from one to another.

After a lot of experiments by the magneto therapists, it is discovered why the magnets failed to show any effect in some cases and even showed adverse effect in some other cases. Actually, the application of different poles on different patients has proved that the two poles of the magnet act in different ways when brought in physical contact with human body. They have different properties, characteristics and effects. If the North Pole is applied then it has a retarding action and controls the bacterial infection and pus and makes ineffective or even kills the cancer cells. The north pole of a magnet also relieves boils, sores, skin rashes, tumours, etc.

On the other hand, the application of South Pole radiates energy, gives warmth and strength to the painful part, increases power of resistance and also reduces swelling and draws pain out of the body. The application of the magnets with low strength or applying them for shorter or longer periods or using incorrect poles may result in negative effect.

Some physicians and scientists believe in applying the use of one single pole of a magnet at a time. The physicians often recommend application of North Pole for 10 minutes and then immediately thereafter South Pole for another 10 minutes like cold and hot packs in Naturopathy. Again others advocate, applying a single pole only where the disease is located in a small portion of the body and to use both the poles when larger parts or whole bodies are affected by any disease. The application of magnet is following the `Single pole theory" which is an old theory while the bipolar application is based on the latest double pole theory of magnetic treatment.

The application of North Pole of a magnet recovers some diseases, which are listed here.
* Arthritis: The application of North Pole of a magnet dissolved the Calcium of joints slowly and thus one can get relief from the disease. * Bleeding or haemorrhage: The blood loss after birth or due to female weak organs can be decreased by the application of the north pole of a magnet.
* Bleeding of wounds, cuts, bruises due to weak tissues can be relieved by applying the north pole of a magnet in a proper way.
* On applying the South Pole of a magnet on the upper and North Pole on the lower portion ensure best healing from broken bones, broken joints and fractures.
* The North Pole of a magnet can be applied on the burnt portion to get relief. When the pain is less, South Pole is applied to give strength to the tissue and to form flesh over the burnt part.
* Application of North Pole under the right ear down the artery gives relief in high blood pressure.
* If the North Pole of a magnet is applied in infection, it restricts it and heals it naturally.
* Kidney infection or stone can be sometimes removed on applying the north pole of a magnet.

The application of South Pole of a magnet again recovers various diseases, which are given here:
* All kinds of pains, stiffness and weakness in fore limbs, arms, legs, shoulders, hips etc can be relieved by applying the South Pole of a magnet. It also provides strength and life to the limbs.
* Application of South Pole of a magnet helps in poor digestion, gas formation due to more acidity in stomach.
* It also helps in the production of insulin.
* The South Pole of a magnet is applied during prostate enlargement.
* South Pole of a magnet improves hair colouring in limited cases of those persons only whose health is good.
* Application of South Pole of a magnet helps in weak hearts, weak heart muscles, causing murmurs, reduces pulse rate, and heart beats.
* Applying South Pole of a magnet for 10 minutes morning and 10 minutes in the evening strengthens the weak muscles.
* If one is feeling weakness during walking, South Pole of a magnet can be used for a week or 10 days, which provides energy and strength.

The magnetic treatment is usually done in two ways:
Local Treatment:
In this type of magnetic treatment, the selected pole of a magnet is applied to the affected part of the body directly, next to the skin, in close contact with the bare skin. It can be applied over one or two layers of cloth also, without applying pressure on it.

This type of treatment is done if the ailment is localised in a particular part of the body. It may be done when a person suffers from a boil, mumps or in tonsils.

If the patient is suffering from some bacterial action or infection, the North Pole is applied. Again, in the case of pain and swelling where no infection is suspected, the South Pole is used.

In case, a person is having ailments affecting major portion of the body or extending to wider area or covering the whole body, then general magnet treatment is applied. In this type of treatment, two different poles of the magnets of similar shape, size and strength are used.

General Treatment
In general treatment, if the disease is somewhere above the naval, then magnet is applied in the palms of both the hands of the patient. Again, if the disease is in the lower half of the body, then magnets should be applied under the soles of both the feet. If the disease spreads to the whole body, the treatment may be given alternatively under palms and under soles on alternate days or in the morning under the hands and in the evening under the soles if treatment is given twice a day. In this case, the general rule of treatment is to apply the North Pole to the right hand or foot and the South Pole to the left hand or foot.

The extremities of the body, namely, hands and feet, are directly connected with many other important organs of the body. The hands, as well as the feet, have many `Reflexes`. These tie up the different portions of the hands and the feet with various other organs. Hence the palms of hands and the soles of feet are used in general magnetic treatment. Thus, the effect of the treatment goes to all the parts of the body, through internal connections.

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