Expenses in Massage Therapy The first and most crucial issue associated with massage therapy is that it is quite expensive, though they promise instant remedy and relief from serious ailments. Spas, massage therapists and parlours often demand exorbitant rates for making one peacefully indulge in massage therapies. Moreover, professional massage therapists would charge much more than the traditional fees and one cannot utilize their health insurance to cover this kind of expenditure. Therefore, in a majority of cases, people feel the pocket-pinch and are compelled to pay the expenses from their personal accounts. Time-Consuming in Massage Therapy Massage therapies are quite time consuming as it takes a minimum time limit of about 60 to 90 minutes for a complete and perfect massage therapy session. For regular professionals and other busy individuals, it is an uphill task to attend such massage therapy sessions. The fact that one is not permitted to multitask while they are undergoing massage therapy further creates issues. Appointments with massage therapists can, however easily be scheduled during the evenings and weekends. But, these appointments are more expensive and one would be charged even if they fail to appear for the planned appointments due to their busy lifestyle. Side-Effects of Massage Therapy Engaging in sessions of massage therapy might also injure oneself accidentally and one's ailments might even be aggravated while he is being treated over the massage table. At times, therapists handle their clients roughly and the intense pressure applied by them on the muscles is more than what the body is able to tolerate. Wrong massages can severely damage the delicate combination of nerves in the body, which once destroyed can never be repaired again. Apart from this, pregnant women or women undergoing menstruation must not receive massage therapies as a thumb rule. This is because such therapies not only tones muscles, but also increases blood circulation by opening up vessels and if performed at the wrong time, it might produce fatal consequences. |