He was also a subscriber to Maharishi Vitthal Ramji Shinde's magazine - Dnyanodaya. (Maharishi Shinde was a Harijan or "untouchable" and a member of the reformist Prarthana Samaj.) He did not like the castists of Tamil Nadu using Lord Rama as a symbol of oppression of Aryan conquest. Attack on the Sanctity of Vedas The critics of Jyotirao Phule lambasted him on the issue of caste system with the attack on the Vedas - the most fundamental texts of forward-caste Hindus. He considered Vedas as 'idle fantasies' as 'palpably absurd legends'. He considered Vedas a 'form of false consciousness'. He believed that the true inhabitants of Bharat are the Astik. He also believed that the Brahmins were outsiders to Hinduism. This was also the view spoken by Keshavarao Jehde. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |