Performance of Kabui Naga Dance Kabui Naga Dance is a popular form of a dance of the Hill Tribes. While performing Kabui Naga Dance, the boys hold big Naga "Daos" meaning knives in their hands and move around in circles while the girl dancers accompany the boys. The female dancers wear colourful traditional costumes and adorn themselves with heavy jewelleries with their tribal peculiarities. The Kabui Naga dance is performed with the accompaniment of a big drum which gives a regular and broad beating of time. The drum beatings enhance the liveliness and intrinsic interest of its audiences. This dance is generally performed during winter in an open yard of the village surrounding which the members of the village sit. Some elderly males have spears which they wave up and down while singing at intervals. Once the performance is over the performers enjoy themselves in drinking beer and eating rice and ham. Types of Kabui Naga Dance Kabui Naga Dance is of various types including Ngai Laam, Poumei Laam and Ballu Laam. Ngai Laam dance is performed during the traditional festivals and Poumei Laam is performed at the time of creation of community utility. Ballu Laam dance is regarded as the dance of Gods so it has to get hold of the exact choreography, rhythm, songs etc. The Ballu Laam dance further has several categories including Hoi Laam, Zeihsung Laam, Zouhmon Patmei Laam, Goipi Thengmei Laam, Banjai Laam, Baan Laam, etc. Kabui Naga dance is revolved around the supervision of the local social institution like Peikai, Khangchu, Luchu and Mathenmei Kaibang which are the houses of the village elders, the males, the females and the women society respectively. This dance is not only popular in the hills, in fact it is renowned through out India. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |