He declared that his aim was to make figures that can become self-images for the people who are the subject of his work. He avoided distorting the image while painting a town and viewed from more than one angle at the same time thereby offering more insights into the character of the place. Patwardhan's canvases reflect the hub of city life often emphasizing the ordinary man. Human beings depicted in his paintings are imbued with a sense of inherent dignity as they are seen performing their chores in busy city streets or in suburban construction sites. His works are multi faceted. Patwardhan lives and works in Thane which is near Mumbai. More recently the receding and emerging figures provide a rhythmic unity to his group compositions echoing the ancient mural art of Ajanta and Ellora. Some of his solo and two person exhibitions are: 2005-06 - A two person exhibition with Gieve Patel. Museum Gallery, Mumbai; Bose Pacia, New York. 2004 - India Habitat Centre, New Delhi; ABC Gallery, Vadodara; Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai. 2002 - Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai; Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. 2001 - Sakshi Gallery, Bangalore. 2000 - A two person exhibition with Ajay Desai. Gallery 7, Mumbai. 1999 - Design Centre, Thane ; Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai ; Vadehra Art Gallery, Delhi. 1995 - Chemould Gallery, Calcutta. 1994 - Gallery Chemould and Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. 1992 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. 1990 - Art Heritage, Delhi. 1989 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. 1988 - Pokharan, Thane. 1984 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. 1979 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. 1979 - Art Heritage, Delhi. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com. |