A hot Epsom salt bath taken every day or every other day will also be advantageous. After the acute symptoms of tonsillitis are over, the patient should take up an all fruit diet for further three or four days. In this course of therapy, three meals of fresh, juicy fruits such as apples, pineapple, peaches, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pears and melon may be taken. The juice of fresh pineapple is most valuable in all throat afflictions of this kind. After the all-fruit diet the patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diet on the following lines: Breakfast: Fresh fruits, or grated raw carrot or any other raw salad, and milk. Prunes or other dried fruits may be added, if desired. Lunch: Steamed vegetables, as obtainable and whole wheat chappatis. Vegetables likes bitter gourd and fenugreek are in particular advantageous. Dinner: A good sized raw salad of vegetables as available sprouts seeds as alfalfa seeds, whole meal bread and butter or cottage cheese. Raw vegetable juices are also very functional in the cure of tonsillitis. Juices of carrot, beet and cucumber taken individually or in combination are in particular of assistance. The daily dry friction and hip bath as well as breathing and other exercises should all form part of the daily health regime. A hot Epsom salts bath once or twice a week can also be taken on a regular basis with beneficial results. Tonsillitis can be successfully treated by the natural methods outlined above. Surgery for the removal of the tonsils is required only in very rare cases, when tonsils are critically diseased. |