Madhva-Brahma Sampradaya
Madhva-Brahma Sampradya is also known by the name Rudra Sampradaya. The main deity of the Madhva-Brahma Sampradaya is Laxmi Narayan.
Madhva-Brahma Sampradaya was started by Madhvacharya who was born in the year 1197 AD. Madhvacharya was a Tulu Brahmin. After Madhvacharya was initiated into sanyasa by Purusottam Tirtha Madhva he came to be known as Ananda Tirtha. His philosophical doctrine is based on the Sankhya system which is known as dualism and his sect is known as Rudra Sampradaya or Madhva-Brahma Sampradaya. The tutelary deity worshipped by the followers of Madhva- Brahma is Laxmi Narayana. The female consort is treated as a female deity and not so much as a consort of Narayana. The Sidhabrahmachari matha located in Puri represents the Madhvacharya's Rudra Sampradaya.
The ascetic section of Madhva's Rudra or Madhva-Brahma Sampradaya is very much limited and largely confined to South India. The Chaitanyaite ascetics who are numerous and well distributed all over North India are regarded as a section of Madhvas and are represented as Madhva Gaudiyas. The householder section of the Chaitanyaites acknowledges its Madhva-affiliation by calling its members Madhva-Gaudesvaras.
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