Tonsillitis is one of the commonest diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which affects all age groups and predominantly the growing children and young adults. The commonest cause of infection is the bacteria streptococcal haemolyticus. The disease spreads in a rapid pace by means of dust particles. Poorly ventilated and overcrowded spots are the perfect multiplying grounds of these pathogens. Chronic tonsillitis are also known to lead to rheumatic fever, nephritis and many other systemic complications, which is where the ayurvedic treatment of tonsillitis comes in as a sound and time-tested measure. Symptoms of tonsillitis include high fever within the 103-104 degrees Fahrenheit range, with considerable pain on swallowing, unspeakable enlargement of tonsillar glands in the neck, referred pain in the ear on the affected side, sore throat and oozing of pus. Sphatika's (a kind of quartz crystal, that has been described in ancient Hindu treatises) use in treating tonsillitis has been referred in ancient Ayurvedic texts in India, since time immemorial. Ayurveda describes sphatika as an essential astringent, haemostatic and an antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and antibiotic properties, quite a handful when speaking in terms of treatment of tonsillitis in ayurvedic domain. It is also known that in yesteryears, a fine powder of purified sphatika was used for local application over tonsils and fauces thrice daily before meals. In likewise manner, 1 gm of sphatika dissolved in half cup lukewarm water was taken internally. Ancient Indian times also state that ayurvedic treatment for tonsillitis had found its wonder medicine in the form of Sphatika. It was discovered that the disease was more frequent amongst the group of male children (11 - 20 years). Sphatika had a marked effect on treatment of tonsillitis in times dependant upon ayurveda. The various symptoms had started retroverting just after a day or two of commencement of therapy. Sphatika being kasaya, katu, tikta, usna and jwara-hara in its essential action, lessens the inflammation of the tonsils, thereby regulating the increased body temperature. Sphatika's antibiotic activity brilliantly subdues further multiplication of the pathogens. This was verily corroborated by throat swab tests done before and after treatment. Preventions for Tonsillitis in Ayurveda Be it ayurveda or in any other medical domain, tonsillitis is indeed detailed as an infection caught from outside forces of the body and is brought about by coming into contact with bacteria. As such, very simple measurements like making sure that one is washing his/her hands well before food preparation, verily arrests the spread of infection and disease. A sound fitness regimen is also a requisite, as infections such as tonsillitis tend to only attack and defeat the unhealthy, nearly decrepit bodies. So, ayurvedic treatment of tonsillitis advised one to keep himself/herself fit and maintain a general character of well-being. Everyday yoga and breathing exercises will also help with this. Ayurvedic diet as remedy for tonsillitis Due to the excruciating inflammation and the difficulty in swallowing brought about by a dose of tonsillitis, initially the only nutrient that can be consumed is liquid and the sufferer should hold fast to fruit juices and liquidsed raw vegetables. Such a routine needs to be embraced to make sure and ensure that an over-all health and vitamin intake is maintained in other areas and durability and full potential is kept up. Another recommendation by ayurvedic treatment for tonsillitis for this specific stage of recuperation is to gargle warm salt water a couple of times everyday. The minerals contained in the water will help to shift the negative toxins that jam the passageways and prohibit the functioning of the tonsils. As convalescence starts up, the sufferer should come back to a well balanced diet with special accentuation on protein rich foods, vegetables, grains and fat. Ayurvedic herbs as remedy for tonsillitis Gargling A strict regimen of everyday gargling not only provides instantaneous calming relief, but also cures tonsillitis in a week's time at the most. However, the best results can be incurred by mixing the bark of Babula tree with rock salt in lukewarm water that needs to be utilised for gargling. Hot Fomentation The front portion of the patient's neck must be allowed to receive a hot fomentation, externally. In addition, all steps should be taken to keep the neck warm. It should not be kept exposed to chill and unwanted cold. Powdery Mixture Another effective ayurvedic treatment for tonsillitis is the application of a pulverised mixture of three ingredients; namely, Kulanjana, Vacha, and Yashti madhu. The patient suffering from tonsillitis simply needs to lick the paste made from them blended with honey. This medication cures the throat swelling and also comforts the throat. Agastya Rasayana This ayurvedic prescription is recommended for patients suffering from chronic tonsillitis and its maddening after effects. It is authentically known to prevent future attacks of tonsillitis. As per professional prescription, the dosage of this herb is one teaspoonful of Agastya rasayana combined with honey. The resultant mixture should be consumed twice daily for six months. It has been strongly recommended that even if the tonsillitis symptoms disappear, one should keep on having this counselled medication. Agastya Rasayana will help to shield the throat from any likely attacks of tonsillitis. Khadiradi Khadiradi comes in a tablet form that needs to be sucked in through a gradual manner. A patient can take six such tablets on an everyday basis. |