The 'vahana' of Kaumari is a peacock and she has either four or twelve arms. In her arms she holds arrow, ax, bell, book, bow, cockerel, lotus, spear, staff, and water jar. On her two arms she grasps a Shakti or power and Tanka or silver coins. She is at times portrayed as six-headed like Kumara and wears the cylindrical crown. Kaumari represents the aspiration of the evolving soul. She is also referred to as the Shakti of Skanda. She is also known as Kartikeyani and Ambika. According to Devi Purana Kumari is considered as daughter of Goddess Lalita. She was courageous and killed demon Bhanda's sons. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |