Sati being, existing, real, essential, tone Mule root Tat its Vipakah fruit, ripening Jati rank, class, birth Ayuh span of life Bhogah experiencing, enjoying As long as the root of actions exists, it will give rise to class of birth, span of life and experiences. Life itself springs from the admixture of good and bad actions, favourable and unfavourable impressions. These form one's birth, rank in life, span of life and the kind of experiences one has to go through. According to the law of karma, every condition in the nature of human birth and life stem from one's past actions, and are responsible for the experiences, pleasant or otherwise, which one meets in life. The fruits of the actions gathered in this life are called samskaras, which become residual imprints or impressions. The fruits of actions committed in all previous lives are called vasanas (knowledge derived from memory, or the present consciousness of past perceptions). Vasanas are impressions remaining unconsciously in the mind from past good or bad actions, giving rise to pleasure or pain. |