Samskara subliminal impressions, instinct, realization of past perception saksatkaranat to see in reality, by direct observation, by direct perception, by bringing to the surface of consciousness purva earlier, previous jati descent, status in life, lineage, condition, rank, birth jnanam knowledge Through direct perception of his subliminal impressions, the yogi gains knowledge of his previous lives. The yogi is able to recall the impressions of past incarnations which have influenced his present life. In the continuity of life, instinct, memory and desire play significant roles. Memory belongs to the subconscious mind, and the fruits of cravings (pains and pleasures experienced in the present life as a result of good and bad actions in past lives) to the unconscious. When a yogi is free from every instinct and desire, he sees directly, independent of memory, and of feelings of joy or sorrow. Through intuition, in the orderly sequence of time, he actually sees his past lineage and future status, and also the lives of others. (II.12, 13, 39, and iv.33.) |