The position of the fate line on the palm has substantial influence on life style and future of the individual. There are eleven positions of the emergence of fate line, which are: First Position of Fate line: Based on the calculations of the palmists, the fate line belonging to the first position is considered the finest. This kind of fate line is well defined and flawless and terminates right at the Mount of Saturn and is regarded excellent and brilliant. Individuals, who possess the fate on this position, tend to be very ambitious in life but are unable to see the fulfilment of such desires in his life time. This long line is inclined to ruin and spoil the completed works of the person. The fate line is considered excellent till the time it does not cross the mount of Saturn or does not originate from below the wrist. Second Position of Fate line: According to the study of Palmistry, the fate line that belongs to the second position is also considered as admirable. But difficulties seem to occur, when this kind of line touches the mount of Saturn on the palm. Such people are surrounded with stress and worries, even though they are courageous and possess the capability to achieve success in life. Such persons get success in life after lot of struggle. Third Position of Fate line: According to the palmists, the fate line that belongs to the third position is regarded as auspicious as it is distinctive. In spite of its uniqueness, if this line proceeds after crossing the life line, then the person faces many difficulties during that period. Such intersection is considered unsafe and perilous, due to the possibility that the person might get injured in some accidents. Fourth Position of Fate line: The fate line that belongs to this position is also considered providential, but the rise of fortune can be possible only after youth. The person has to face obstacles in education and there is a possibility that he will be unable to gather higher education. Fifth Position of Fate line: Fifth position of the fate line is said to be favourable, but if reaches the end of the finger of Saturn or middle finger, the individual cannot achieve success in life. Individuals having such kind of fate line, though persistently struggle to move ahead, yet they face failure repeatedly. But with the support of a special person, the individual can improve in life. Such persons are found to make progress in the middle of their age. People with such fate line cannot make advances in more than one field. Hence, their career is always in one track. They are successful in the careers like painting and writing. Sixth Position of Fate line: A person having the fate line, belonging to the sixth position on his hand is considered very lucky. Though this kind of fate line appears fortunate, but according to calculations conducted by palmists, the rise of fortune of such a person starts after the age of thirty-six. In the age range of thirty-six to forty two, the person would gain much success and progress wonderfully through his life. Seventh Position of Fate line: The fate line belonging to the seventh position starts from the heart line and directly reaches the mount of Saturn. In some people, this line takes the form of a trident or fork shaped; one end of which goes to the mount of Sun while the other one goes towards the mount of Jupiter. Such a fate line is considered very promising. If this line divides itself into two paces near its end, it is believed that the person will get plenty of respect, honour and wealth in his lifetime. Eighth Position of Fate line: The eighth position of the fate line is considered of substantial importance by the palmists. The person passes his childhood very comfortably, in case the line is faultless, distinct and deep. The person also receives good education, as they are sharp, intellect and they are singled out for their independent ideas. Even though these people generally don't get any extra support or co-operation from their family, yet they struggle and gradually attain success. Such persons can prove themselves as successful judges, writers or philosophers. People with fate line in this position have a happy family life. Ninth Position of Fate line: Eminent palmists also consider the fate line in the ninth position as excellent. Individuals with this kind of fate line are blessed with huge luck. If this line gets divided into two or three parts on reaching the mount of Saturn, the person becomes owner of inestimable wealth and can make huge success in life. Such persons with the fate line belonging to the ninth positions have more than one sources of income in their lives and they live a life of grandeur. If the extreme end of such a line proceeds towards the mount of Jupiter, the person can attain high position. Such persons can make enough progress in their career in the field of literature. If this kind of end is proceeding towards the mount of Sun, the person can attain full success by trading with foreign countries. He takes keen interest in religious matters. Moreover these individuals achieve huge success and respect in the society. Tenth Position of Fate line: Persons having the fate line belonging to the tenth position on their hands certainly reach a high position and achieve huge success in life. Hence the fate line in the ninth position is considered propitious. Such a person is destined to go for foreign tours several times. Such a person is also destined to achieve great success. People with luck line in this position are also courageous and achieve success by their own efforts though at a certain level supported by their fate. But difficulties seem to occur whenever the fate line appears broken. As per the palmists, if such a broken fate line appears chained or zigzag in shape, the person has to face too many difficulties in life. On the contrary sometimes the fate line gets divided into two parts; one end of which goes towards the mount of Sun the other end goes towards the mount of Jupiter, then in that case the person is extremely fortunate. Eleventh Position of Fate line: The fate line belonging to the eleventh position is rarely found. The persons with this kind of fate line are blessed with exceptional traits of individuality and excellence. Such individuals achieve tremendous success in life and they are socially responsible and they play a significant role in directing the society. They lead a disciplined life and their thoughts and actions are all well planned. Having born in ordinary family such a person can make huge success and have the capability to live a life of prosperity and grandeur. These are the eleven significant positions of fate line and their study helps in determining the future of a person. |
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