Hermit Card
Associated with the zodiac sign of Virgo, the Hermit Card suggests introspection, soul searching, analysis and self reflection. The card denotes that the current phase is not for socialising but for peace and solitude.
He has mastered all elements of the past key numbers and stands on top of the mountain of attainment. The snowy peaks are symbolic of his isolation because his wisdom sets him apart from the rest. In this position, he holds his lantern to light the way for the rest to follow his path to enlightenment, for knowledge is meaningless unless we turn and show others what we have learned. The lantern light is 2 triangles; one faced up and the other faced down. A triangle only holds 180 degrees, but the combination of 2 triangles equals 360 degrees. A circle has 360 degrees and is the symbol of the creator, endless. 360 degrees and 180 degrees both vibrate at a number 9, the vibration of this card.
The hermit indicates solitude/ introspection/ retreat and deep understanding. Whenever the card appears in the reading, the querent is suggested to retreat from society for a while to know one better, or to come out of the retreat to share his knowledge.