Rajashree Chintak Behera began her initial training under the famous Guru Durga Charan Ranbir and Guru Harihar Mohanty. She has received training in the Odissi style of Late Guru Durga Debaprasad Das from them. From Akhila Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal, Mumbai, she received her Bisarada Purna degree. She is also a master degree holder in Economics from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. Rajashree Chintak Behera has executed many noted performances through out the world. Some of her famous performances in her native country are: Apna Utsav, New Delhi, in the year1986; Yuvs Utsav, Jaipur, in the year1988; Nritya Pratibha, New Delhi, in the year1988; Yuva Nritya Samaroha, Jodhpur, in the year1989; Ghungroo Dance Festival, Bhopal, in the year1993; Konark Dance Festival, Orissa, in the year1995; Barabati Nrityotsav, Orissa, in the year 2005; Mukteswar Dance Festival, in the year 2006; Dhauli Mahotsav, in the year 2006; International Odissi Festival, Bhubaneswar, in the year 2006. Outside India she has performed in, Ethnic Center and Australasia House, Perth, Australia, in the year1987; China, 1989; North Korea, 1989; Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1990; Oxford, U.K., 1995; Sofia and Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1998 and 1999; International Folklore Festival, Bulgaria, 1999; Budapest Farewell Festival, Hungary, 1999; Performance in Germany, 1999; International Odissi Festival, USA, 2003; Lecture Demonstration and Performance, Indiana State University, USA, 2002; Performances and Choreography of Dance Drama for Oriya Convention in Maryland and New Jersey, USA, 2002 and 2003. Presently Rajashree Chintak Behera is living in Moscow, Russia with her husband, Dr. Subhakanta Behera (I.F.S.) and two children, Ananya and Amruta. With the aim of spreading this traditional old dance from through out the Russian dance lovers, Rajashree Chintak Behera is serving there as the cultural ambassador of India. |